Mind the gap

"Light and the rational forms are locked in combat; light sets them into motion, bends what is straight, makes parallels oval, inscribes circles in the intervals, makes the intervals active" ~Paul Klee

Birling Gap - one of my favourite, most inspiring places - is being consumed by nature with this year's storms crumbling the cliff face chalk and causing seven years' worth of erosion in just two months. The toll is represented most obviously by the recent demolition of a coastguard's cottage that had found itself just six inches away from the edge. Built almost 200 years ago as part of a seven-cottage terrace, two others were 'lost' within the last 20 years and the next is expected to go within 10 years. Then there were seven, now there are four, soon there'll be three... What won't go though is the beauty of the place - it will always be a playground for light.

These pictures were taken yesterday afternoon with an Olympus OM-D E-M1. 




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