Point of view

It is the loose ends with which men hang themselves.
— Zelda Fitzgerald

In our action-orientated society, loose ends are symptomatic of unfinished business and must be avoided at all costs. Nobody wants to go the way of Zelda’s men. Deeds get done. We finish what we’ve started. And we cross the t’s and dot the i’s. But we don’t leave loose ends.

Truth is, we do. And that’s when troubles start and pressures grow. So could there be another, more constructive perspective?

Most of my time is spent as part of a team. The good ones are made up of people who look out for each other, whose skills are complementary and who work collaboratively. Team players create opportunities for each other. Their relationships are more than merely transactional.

When we’re in a team together, loose ends aren’t symptoms of failure; no, they mark the point where one of us picks up from the other. They’re the baton passed from runner to runner.

Perhaps we should spend some more time planning and cultivating loose ends instead of fretting over them.

It's just a question of your point of view.


Setting goals


In praise of uncertainty